Clark County Ohio River and Silver Creek Sweep

When:  Saturday, July 21, 2012 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Where:  Falls of the Ohio State Park, Ashland Park, Lapping Park, and Charlestown State Park

Who:  Scout troops, community clubs, civic and student organizations, families, and individuals who would like to make a significant difference in the community. Parental permission forms need to be signed in advance for groups with kids. To request forms call Carol Huff, at Clarksville Stormwater, at: 283-8233 option 3.

How:  Check in begins at 8:30 a.m. at all locations. Gloves, trash bags, water, a free 2012 ORSANCO tee shirt, and free admission to the Falls of the Ohio Interpretive Center will be provided. Cool off from the heat with the water mist system that will be set up at the Falls of the Ohio or enjoy free pizza at the Lapping Park location! Larger, more durable trash bags will be distributed this year and extra tee shirts were ordered so that no one has to wait for one this year.

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